Lydia Liu

Anya, Lydia, & Trisha | A Celebration of Friendship


“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”

- author unknown

The beauty of friendships.

Though the current situation is not anything any of us would have ever chosen, I also see how it’s brought about a great depth of gratitude in a lot of people. Gratitude for the warmth of sunshine they get to feel on their skin as they take a walk. Gratitude for the clarity that comes with a life put on pause, unhurried from the busyness of life. Gratitude for the friendships and family we still have in our life, even though a Zoom or Facetime call might have to suffice for the time being.

The energy and friendship of Anya, Lydia, and Trisha is evident when you spend even five minutes with these ladies. Laughter and warmth is easily seen in their relationship and I am honored to be have created these special portraits for them before the shelter in place a few months back. If anything, especially now, I see these ladies as a beautiful reminder of what a blessing it is to live this life with true friends anchored firmly by your side.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Images | Heartbox Photography

Hair & makeup | Beautiful One Hair & Makeup

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3210.jpg
Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3212.jpg

“It might be a tragedy to not be born with sisters, but it means you get to pick your own. Lydia, Anya, and I have been friends for over 10 years. We met at work and quickly became close. These two amazing women are sistas who I can tell anything to - my joys, rants, hopes, and sorrows.

And I'm honored to be that person for them.”

- Trisha

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Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3203.jpg

“I am an immigrant, a mother of 3 grown up (or almost grown up) children, I made my journey through corporate carrier ladder in high tech - to business consulting and mentoring - to recovering my healing identity and becoming a Chinese medicine practitioner.

I am a healer at heart and I was always meant to do the work I am doing now. “

- Anya

Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3218.jpg

“I'm a California native, wife, kitty mama, and low-tech person working in a high-tech company. I've learned that my hobbies happen in cycles.

At different points in my life, I've been obsessed with dance, knitting, Zentangle, and searching for the perfect lemondrop (martini, not candy).

My most recent hobby is standup paddleboarding, but I don't get out on the water as much as I'd like.”

- Trisha

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“We were brought together by laughter.

We traveled from Washington DC business trip and just couldn’t stop laughing. It would have been embarrassing if we were capable of being embarrassed at that moment.

That unabashed feeling of joy and appreciation of life was what made us friends, and it underscores our friendship through all these years. We first became sistas, then become running buddies (and run lots and lots of miles together), and in all that - we became friends for life.”

- Anya

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Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3213.jpg
Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3205.jpg

“I feel that I am finally at a place in my life when I live out my vision and my purpose. It does not mean there is no room for growth and learning - actually, there is a lifetime of learning and growing ahead of me and I will never get bored or complacent in what I do, which makes it even more exciting for me.”

- Anya

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Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3216.jpg

“In college, I remember learning about The Beauty Myth: how images of beauty are used against women. I've avoided fashion magazines and beauty articles ever since.

Societal pressures are everywhere, and it can be hard to not beat yourself up or get depressed. We have to remember to be our own best allies and have our own back.

Be kind to yourself, you deserve it. And ask for help if your self-love isn't cutting it.”


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“Best advice is the one that you are ready to hear.

As I went through life, at different twists and turns of my journey simple words came from sometimes most unexpected people and landed EXACTLY where and how I needed to hear them.

Best truths are always hidden in the plain site.”

- Anya

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Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3204.jpg

“Nobody can tell you that you are beautiful - the feeling truly comes from the inside, from knowing your self.

I teach my patients to find the sense of peace and acceptance within selves first, and answer the question Who am I? What do I want? What do I truly want?

Once they find it within themselves - it is all about setting the vision and going after it unapologetically. Then everything falls into place and beauty shines from within.”

- Anya

"Love yourself. No reservations necessary."

- Trisha

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Best advice you’ve ever received?

“If I'm afraid of not liking something new, "Try it and see." This was said to me by my boss in my first job out of college, when most things were new and scary for me. It's served me well over the years.”

What do you appreciate most about your life now?

“I most appreciate knowing that I want for nothing. I have a serene home, a stable and nurturing relationship, good health, and enough resources to be comfortable. Sure, there are things I might think I need sometimes - vacations, sparkly things, a new handbag. And it's fun to indulge!

But when I remember to be present and focus on the moment, it's so beautiful to realize I have everything I need.”

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Portraits by Heartbox Photography. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved._3208.jpg