Farmer's Insurance

Bay Area Women In Business | Kelly Dunn

Over the years, as any small business owner I am sure will agree with, you realize how important it is to have a network of great connections. Truly, no (wo)man business owner is an island and I am fortunate to know some of the best out there.

My work with Heartbox Photography is centered on women and I think that while it’s important to obviously highlight the awesome women I have the privilege to work with as clients, it is equally important to highlight the women who are part of the business connections that have supported me along this journey. And one such organization I am proud to be part of is a phenomenal group called Women’s Networking Alliance.

Kelly Dunn is the owner of Kelly Dunn Insurance Agency. She also currently serves as the Education Chair for our WNA Chapter (Chapter 122 - Los Altos) and in the time I have gotten to know Kelly, it is obvious she not only has a passion for what she does in her work, but also being a contributing member to our networking group, always being among the first to suggest a contact or connection that would be a beneficial resource for our group to learn from. (Hence her role as our Education Chair!)

It is my honor to highlight Kelly in this month’s “Bay Area Women In Business” profile!

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Can you share a little bit about you and your business?  My mother passed away unexpectedly when I was 18 years old. Fortunately my godfather is an insurance agent and had my parents set up adequately. It was then that I truly learned the importance of insurance and having the right coverages. 

What has your journey looked like professionally to get to where you are now?  A lot of hard work and being able to hear the word no repeatedly. I just take comfort in knowing with every no I am that much closer to a yes!

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?  I enjoy protecting my clients, knowing that in one of their worst moments, car accident, home fire, etc. that they will be ok because I provided them with the correct coverages. My biggest challenge is no one likes to talk about insurance so I try to find ways to make it interesting and fun when I can.

Knowing what you know now about your career, what would you tell your 18 year old self?  Other people’s opinions are a reflection of their own limitations and boundaries. I had so many people tell me having your own business is too hard/too much work and that I should just get a “real” job.

Who inspires you and why?  My grandmother was my biggest inspiration because she was a strong, independent woman who always took care of herself.

A fun or surprising fact about yourself?  I was tetherball champion in 5th grade at my school’s field and track day. Lol

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?  I would love to meet Audrey Hepburn, I think she was a very classy lady and I love her sense of style.