Charity Fitness

Peter Tapao. 2012.

Ask me to lift several pounds of camera gear, lens cases, and light reflectors and for the sheer love of portraits and weddings and all things photography, you can bet I will do it. With an abundance of smiles and enthusiasm to boot.

Ask me to do pull-ups, run around the basketball court 50 times for fun with weights on my back and I will pretend I didn't hear a word you said as I continue to munch a chocolate bar. With a side of pizza.

Or.... I'll direct you to Peter Tapao.

Peter is a personal trainer that not only has a heart for all things working out, but more importantly a heart for helping people get healthy, get fit, and appreicate the occasional push up. He's a good friend of both my husband's and mine and it was an honor to be asked to help him capture a few photos of him in his element.

Oh, and Pete, if you're reading this, you'll be proud to know that in honor of your photo shoot and staying healthy, fit, and Rocky Balboa-like, I made sure to attend a kickboxing class after eating that one (er, three) slices of pizza yesterday. Woo-hoo, go me! 

Here's to staying healthy and people like Pete who encourage us each step of the way.

Happy Tuesday!