Celebrating Women in Business | Ramona Shaw

“ ‘Restore connection' is not just for devices, it is for people too.”

-Arianna Huffington

Happy New Year, everyone!

In just a few days, we will literally be halfway through this first month of 2023 already - and I sincerely hope the start of the year has been a good one for you all so far.

With this fresh start and new year, I though it best to start off with featuring one of my awesome clients, Ramona Shaw.

As a leadership and executive coach as well as author of The Competent and Confident New Manager with extensive experience as a former VP in a corporate setting, Ramona’s work is dedicated to developing and helping managers become high-performing, effective leaders.

Her work is about challenging and growing people to essentially be a great influence to those they lead and I am honored to feature her in today’s “Celebrating Women in Business” spotlight!

Images by Heartbox Photography


Can you share a little bit about you and your business? 

I have a leadership development business that specializes in delivering coaching and training programs for new and mid-level leaders.

What has your journey looked like personally/professionally to get to where you are now?

After graduating, I entered the field of private equity and ultimately led strategic projects and international teams at a private equity firm. However, I soon found out that I couldn’t figure out how to be a good leader all on my own. As I went through my own growth journey as a leader, I discovered my passion for coaching and leadership training.  I decided to get officially certified as a professional coach and dedicate my career to helping managers become leaders people love to work for. 

What do you enjoy about what you do? What are some of the challenges?

I absolutely love being able to be a positive influence on people’s careers. There is definitely a butterfly effect when it comes to leadership. I love helping a new manager overcome the obstacles that they face. I feel that by helping one person become a better manager, there is an even bigger impact that it has on the organizational environment because the people on that manager’s team will see how a good leader responds to challenges, sets a good example, and implements positive leadership habits that create positive and inclusive work environments.

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?

I would tell myself that it’s important to know yourself and that strong self-leadership, which includes the ability to manage our own thinking and our emotions, is key to becoming a strong leader. Start with growing that part of leadership first and foremost, regardless of job or position.

What do you appreciate most about your life now/what are you most proud of?

The thing I appreciate most about my life right now is how rich and full it is. My schedule stays busy but it’s busy with the things I love doing, spending time with my kids, running my business, and making a difference in the lives and work of others.

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

I would love to meet Marcus Aurelius, who reigned as a Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD. He was a dedicated student of Stoicism and wrote what would later become titled “Meditations.” These writings were journal entries to himself as a source for his own self-improvement and philosophy on leadership. 

I admire the philosophical beliefs of Aurelius because as a leader his Stoic principles helped him overcome many obstacles and become one of the greatest Roman leaders in history. Not only does Stoicism help me feel more focused and have greater clarity even when things are unexpected or unpredictable, but it also helps me give up the need to feel like I have to be in control all the time.