Words of Wisdom from Daniella Forrest "Resolution Versus Intention

Resolutions. Goals. New start. 

Ah, happy Monday, all.

These words can trigger a fresh excitement for some or a feeling of dread/pressure for others, especially around goals that have anything to do with health, wellness, staying fit...ALL THE THINGS. But if you're anything like me, sometimes the new year can start off with that excitement but later evolve into a nag of anxiety when the feeling of newness wears off a bit and it's getting harder to achieve goals under my preferred time frame.

One of my awesome clients,
Daniella Dayoub-Forrest, owner of DFit Life here in the Bay Area recently wrote an article worth sharing simply because I believe the title alone helped shift my perspective a bit when it came to new goals and all things with the new year....and hopefully it will help you as well! 

Below is just a snippet from this piece...you can read the full article

Resolution Versus Intention

by Daniella Dayoub-Forrest

Here we are again. Another year done and dusted.

I think it is quite wonderful that most people use this time to reflect on where they have been, where they are, and where they'd like to be. For many, this means some serious thinking about their health and wellness. Needless to say, I get a lot of inquiries in January from people who are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. They are ready to finally start reaching those goals they keep setting for themselves every New Year.

While I love the renewed interest and enthusiasm that New Year's resolutions bring, I don't much care for the "all-or-nothing" "come out guns blazing" general tone of it all.

Being gung-ho can often backfire in a big way!

This year, I encourage you to be a little more focused on your general intentions and long-term goals instead of adhering to a strict new regimen. For example, instead of saying, "I'm going to get a workout in 5 days every week," try shifting the focus to, "I am going to put on 5 pounds of muscle and lose 3% body fat." With the first resolution of working out five days a week, there's no excitement in why you want to do that. But if your goal for the year is better body composition (more lean mass and less fat mass), that is way more motivating.

By shifting your focus from what to why, you will be far more likely to succeed.

(...full article may be read  