My Tummy Grinned in New York

Whew. Folks weren't kidding when they said New York moves fast.

It's been a whirlwind of a week and so fun to not only see things in New York that my husband and I have only seen on TV, but to also discover little secrets of New York that aren't always mentioned in the tour books. (Google "Whispering Gallery at Grand Central Station." It actually works!) Oh, and did I mention the food? My tummy hasn't stopped grinning since we arrived and I have a strong feeling that Justin is just excited he hasn't been forced to eat a salad once on this trip so far. Big ups and a shout out to Social Eatz for their lobster roll sandwich, The Meatball Shop for the beef meatballs with parmesan cream sauce and Espresso ice cream cookie sandwich, and Katz Delicatessen for their pastrami sandwich and matzah ball soup.

Oooooh....I think my tummy just smiled again.

It's been worth the trek around this concrete jungle to take in the glow of lights at Time Square at night, to hop from one subway line to another with the crowds of native New Yorkers to get across Manhatten (Call me a geek but I love maps and the New York subway system is super easy!), to people watch while eating gelato in Little Italy, to actually ride a ferry to Ellis Island and see Lady Liberty in person, to see the vastness of this city atop the Empire State Building.

New York is fun and inspiring and I'm thankful that I get to experience this adventure-filled trip alongside my best friend.

One more day left here....let's do this!

Happy Wednesday!