Happy Booger-Monster Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day and I am proudly sporting my nerdy red cardigan. Remember those days when your elementary school teachers required you to give EVERY kid in your class a Valentine’s Day card, but deep down inside, you didn’t want to give a card to the kid who stole your crayons during playtime or to the kid that was known as the booger-monster for all-too obvious reasons? I’m just sayin’. (And for the record, I was NOT someone’s booger monster!)

This past weekend, we got a chance to visit my husband’s grandmother, uncle, aunt, and cousins. We had not seen them in a while and I really enjoyed just sitting around listening in as well as participating in the familiar conversations and laughter that make a family, well, family.

Whether this day may be a happy, full-of-flowers-and-candy one for you, or a day where you’re still running from a present day bogger-monster, I hope you remember to celebrate love, in all its forms. Yes, with your significant other, but also the love you have for friends, family, and life itself.

Happy Booger-Monster Day!